work desk with a small potted plant, desktop and yellow mug as office reopen

3 Tips To Prepare Your Workplace As Offices Reopen

As the world begins to lift lockdown restrictions, the major concern for businesses is to ensure that they reopen workplaces with all the safety precautions in place. As offices reopen, you are required to follow government issued guidelines to ensure the safety of all your employees.  With health and safety at the core of reopening …

image of a doctor holding a mask and a stethoscope necessary for stepping into hospitals

3 Reasons Why Automatic Doors are Vital in Hospitals

Over the past few months, our brave NHS  staff have been at the forefront of treating COVID-19 patients. Fortunately, the number of cases has begun to decrease which has not only reduced pressure on hospital staff but also resulted in the lockdown being lifted gradually. Nonetheless, it’s still important for the NHS to continue strict …