fire door requirements, red entry doors

4 Commercial Fire Door Requirements You Need to Know About

Fire doors are common in offices and other commercial settings.  However, some people don’t realise their usefulness, especially when we take into account the safety of a property. If you are a business owner, you should learn more about fire doors when you’re looking to add them to your commercial building. These doors are primarily …

fire door regulations uk, fire exit sign

A Guide on Fire Door Regulations in the UK

No matter what type of business you have or what industry you belong to, you must make the safety of your employees and customers a priority. This is why fireproofing your office is extremely important.  Moreover, with fire related accidents and injuries on the rise, it has become even more crucial for businesses to ensure …

Shop maintenance tips; a blue shop entrance with different types of lights as the window display

4 Maintenance Tips To Keep Your Shop Efficient And Clean

We all know how impactful first impressions can be and when it comes to shops, be it a grocery or retail store, your customers will be influenced by the overall appearance. While there are hygiene standards that every establishment needs to follow, going the extra mile by following essential shop maintenance tips will further enhance …

Fire Doors for Business; Red coloured fire door installed with 'Fire Hydrant' written on it

Fire Doors For Business – Here’s How They Help In Keeping The Workplace Safe

We’ve all either done it ourselves or seen someone else do it – even though we know we shouldn’t; that is, wedging open fire doors!  Sure, fire doors can seem like a nuisance at times. Not only are they incredibly heavy but also tend to swing shut aggressively. However, in the event of a fire, …

Improve business security by installing steel doors in your premise.

Benefits of Installing Steel Doors For Your Business

Since everyone has a list of resolutions for the New Year, why not create some for your business as well? Resolutions are made for improvement and when it comes to your business, one crucial aspect that you should focus on is your business’ security.  Doors are the point of entry for every business, making them …

image of fire burning representing fire doors

Here’s Why You Need To Install Fire Doors

Whilst not always a topic we’re keen to talk about, fire safety is absolutely crucial in the design of any new buildings; after all, people who occupy a building expect to be safe and sound in case a fire breaks out. And to ensure that there are no mishaps, as business owners you need to …

image of senior couple holding hands representing care home

The 3 Types of Doors Every Care Home Needs

Adult care homes in the UK have been on the rise to serve the ever-increasing needs of our older population. As people age, it becomes consistently harder to cater to all their needs which is why care homes are often the perfect alternative to home-based care. But old age homes come with their own set …