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Top 5 Tips To Make Your Business More Energy-Efficient

Given the serious repercussions of climate change, energy-efficiency has become more important now than ever. Not only will it help your business adopt a green approach but it’ll also help you cut down on your energy bills. For every business, it’s important to keep costs to a minimum wherever possible while also being environmentally-conscious. However, most businesses struggle to find a balance between these aspects. This is why we’ve taken it upon ourselves to compile a list of tips that’ll help you be more energy-efficient.

Here are 5 tips that’ll help you be on top of your energy-efficiency game!


  • Unplug All Your Equipment


Before you leave for the day, ensure that every single type of equipment that’s used in your workplace is switched off. Office buildings, warehouses and factories end up consuming a large amount of energy because computers and other machinery are left on standby. Other appliances like the microwave, kettles, vending machines and printers should also be unplugged so as to add to your overall energy savings. Make sure that your employees and staff follow your lead in your quest to make your business energy efficient. 


  • Get a Smart Thermostat Installed


In order to improve the energy-efficiency of your workplace, a smart thermostat is ideal when compared to a conventional one. A smart thermostat will help you measure the amount of heat that is let into your workplace throughout the day while also registering the surrounding temperature, allowing you to adjust the heating appropriately. This means you can schedule the thermostat as per your requirements and play around with its settings to strike the perfect balance between maintaining a comfortable temperature while consciously reducing your energy bills. 


  • Get an Energy Audit Done


While the idea of getting audited isn’t really exciting, it is helpful in figuring out where your business is consuming the most energy and what areas can help you be more energy efficient. These days, utility companies offer energy audits to businesses free of cost to figure out which area/function of the business is using up the most energy. Once the audit is complete, they’ll suggest adjustments that you can employ to reduce your bills. As a business, it’ll do you well to take advantage of this and get an energy audit done so that you identify the pain areas in your business and remedy the situation.


  • Consider Installing Solar Panels


Solar panels can be an excellent investment for medium and large sized businesses. Solar power can go a long way in protecting businesses from paying exorbitant amounts on energy bills with constant regulatory changes. You’ll find that solar power solutions have various government subsidies to their credit to encourage you to install more of these. In the greater scheme of things, installing solar panels is good for both the business and the environment.


  • Install a High-Quality Automatic Door


Since automatic doors close themselves, it keeps the warm/cold air from escaping from the workplace (factory/warehouse/offices). It, therefore, saves the central heating system from working too hard to restore comfortable working temperatures. Manual doors are not insulated which means heat easily gets transferred out of the rooms which in turn affects your energy-efficiency. Moreover, if manual doors are left open, heat escapes from the room and the cold air seeps in easily. With automatic doors, you’ll be able to keep this from happening while saving up on your energy bills considerably. So installing automatic doors to improve energy-efficiency is ideal.

With Doorway Services, you can choose the right commercial door for your business. With our amazing range of products and bespoke service, we can help install, maintain and repair automatic doors that’ll elevate the aesthetics of your business. 

Call us today to see how we can help you!

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